(212) 675 - 3000

31 Hudson Yards, 11th Floor – Suite 26, New York, NY 10001


DiPerna Associates Right For Me

Is diPerna Associates Right For Me?

Freelance Writer

I’m a freelance magazine writer with a pile of 1099’s from various sources. I have no idea how to accurately calculate my annual expenses, and I have a hard time estimating what I will owe once tax season hits. How can I reduce my yearly tax payment, and make sure I save appropriately?


Home Buyer

I’d like to buy a house or re-finance an existing one or purchase an investment (second/third) property and can’t decide how to approach it or if I can do it at all.


Growing & Expanding

My company is growing and I’m in the market to hire my very first employee. I’d like to give them direct deposit, medical benefits and retirement options and start learning quarterly payroll best practices for my business.


529 Plan

I’m a new parent and I’d like to start saving for my child’s college education. I’m unsure of mine and their tax consequences, now and then.


Home Equity Line of Credit

A home equity line of credit sounds like a great way to consolidate outstanding debt, pay for a home improvement project or simply a cushion to fall back on but I don’t know the first thing about it or where to go to obtain one.
